Global Health team

Get strong to take weight off of their shoulders
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van totaal € 500 (383%)
Being global health students, this isn't the first time we've heard about the horrible numbers associated with women that have to deal with violence. However, this is one of the first times we can do something directly for them. Together we will work out to get stronger shoulders, so that we can take some of the load off of those women that already have to carry too much on theirs. Will you help us?
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€ 10 26-11-2020 | 12:52
€ 7,50 26-11-2020 | 09:48
€ 14 25-11-2020 | 23:27
€ 50 25-11-2020 | 22:57
€ 10 25-11-2020 | 20:26